Download Vestibular Testing Instructions Here
Diagnostic vestibular testing is performed by our audiologist. It is usually ordered by a neurologist or ENT physician to determine whether a disorder of the inner ear is contributing to a patient’s dizziness or vertigo. Vestibular testing is covered by most insurance plans and can help the referring physician decide the best course of treatment.

Diagnostic Tests for the Vestibular System
The vestibular system is complex and responsible for many of the body’s functions. In order to narrow down the exact cause of dizziness, it is necessary to administer a variety of tests. The most common ones performed at our office include:
- Videonystagmography (VNG). An infrared video camera inside a pair of goggles is used to track eye movements. Because the eyes move reflexively in response to signals from the vestibular organs in the ears, the patterns of eye movement can indicate whether vestibular function is normal or abnormal.
- Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP). VEMP testing is used to determine whether the saccule (an inner ear organ) and vestibular nerves are functioning properly. Electrodes are attached to the neck and sounds are transmitted through a pair of headphones. The electrical response of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck is recorded.
These tests may be combined with additional hearing or diagnostic tests depending on the results.
Preparing for Vestibular Testing
There are some important steps you need to take in order to be ready for testing. Some of the most critical include not wearing make-up, dressing comfortably and stopping certain medications several days prior to testing. Detailed instructions will be sent to you by mail, or you can download them here.
Call our office at (808) 262-6673 for more information or to schedule an appointment.